What Is CBT Test and Benefits Of Computer Based Test (CBT)

What Is CBT Test and Benefits Of Computer Based Test (CBT)

Britannica Team
Britannica Team Updated on - Sep 11, 2023
What Is CBT Test and Benefits Of Computer Based Test (CBT) NHS Exam Guide

In the context of nursing in the UK, the CBT test refers to the "Computer-Based Test" taken by nurses who are seeking to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to practice in the UK. The CBT test is one of the assessments that overseas-trained nurses need to pass to demonstrate their competency and knowledge in nursing practice before they can work as registered nurses in the UK.

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The CBT test is an online examination that assesses the nurse's theoretical knowledge and understanding of nursing principles, practice, and ethics. It covers various nursing topics, including patient care, communication, ethics, and professional standards.

Why Computer Based Test is requied for Nursing Job in UK?

The CBT test is usually a multiple-choice question (MCQ) format, and nurses need to achieve a certain score to pass. After passing the CBT test, nurses may proceed to the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), which assesses their practical nursing skills.

The CBT test is an essential step in the registration process for overseas-trained nurses seeking to work in the UK healthcare system. It ensures that nurses have the necessary knowledge and competencies to deliver safe and effective care to patients in the UK.

What Is A Computer Based Test

In the UK, a Computer-Based Test (CBT) is an assessment conducted on a computer rather than using traditional pen-and-paper methods. CBT is a widely used method for administering various types of tests, examinations, and assessments in different fields, including education, healthcare, professional certifications, and more.

Advantages Of Computer Based Test (CBT):

CBT offers several advantages over traditional paper-based tests, such as:

  • Flexibility: Candidates can take the test at designated test centers or remotely from their own devices, depending on the test's requirements and the organization conducting it.
  • Immediate Results: With CBT, results are often available immediately or shortly after completing the test, providing timely feedback to candidates.
  • Randomized Questions: CBT can randomize the order of questions, reducing the chances of cheating during the exam.
  • Adaptive Testing: In some cases, CBT can adapt the difficulty of questions based on the candidate's responses, ensuring a more accurate assessment of their abilities.
  • Efficiency: CBT streamlines the test administration process, making it easier for test organizers to manage and track candidates' progress.

CBT is widely used in various professional certifications, academic exams, licensure exams, and entry assessments for different professions, including nursing, medicine, engineering, information technology, and more.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the UK, for instance, uses CBT as one of the assessments for overseas-trained nurses seeking registration to practice in the UK. This CBT exam evaluates the nurse's theoretical knowledge and understanding of nursing principles before proceeding to practical assessments.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the UK, for instance, uses CBT as one of the assessments for overseas-trained nurses seeking registration to practice in the UK. This CBT exam evaluates the nurse's theoretical knowledge and understanding of nursing principles before proceeding to practical assessments.

Feature Of Computer Based Test (CBT Exam)

  • Role-Based Access: The software offers role-based access to teachers, students, and admin.
  • Mobile/Laptop Usage: The system can be accessed through a mobile phone or laptop.
  • High Assessment Accuracy: The software ensures high accuracy of student assessment and feedback.
  • Anti-Cheating Methods: The system offers proctoring solutions to avoid cheating during exam.
  • AI-Based Analysis: The software offers AI-Based report analysis for a better understanding of data.
  • Easy Report Generation: The software ensures easy report generation in required formats.

How Does The Computer Based Test (CBT) Work?

  • Students register to appear for the examination
  • Question paper sets are created by teachers
  • The teachers send exam invites to students
  • Student’s ID is verified before the exam
  • The exam is monitored in run time
  • The system gives assessment reports after the exam

Types Of Computer Based Test (CBT)

  • Offline Assessment
  • Online Assessment

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